Here we present a collection of Mathematica Notebooks which contain examples of calculations by means of the Mathematica package PERMS.
I compressed the Notebooks by gzip. They can be decompressed by the command
gzip -d -N name.gz .
The following notebooks contain examples which were produced by a cooperation of PERMS and the Mathematica tensor package Ricci written by J. M. Lee.
The following notebooks deal with a normal form problem of the classical vector analysis. You can find details about this problem in the
that I gave at the 46. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Lyon, 2001. A table of the results is given in my list of mathematical tables on my home page. The calculations are stored in the following notebooks:
The following notebooks contain calculations which belong to the investigations of my paper [12].
The following archive of 55 notebooks contains calculations which belong to the investigations of my papers [15] and [16]. The archive is a WinZip archive which can be decompressed by means of WinZip or by the command "unzip".
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B. Fiedler, 04.09.2022 |