Dr. Bernd Fiedler: Lectures, talks and conference contributions

Foreign countries:

1. 1979 Budapest Colloquium on Differential Geometry, Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society
(2,2)-decomposable solutions of the Bach field equations of general relativity
2. 1980 Szczecin Technical University
(2,2)-decomposable solutions of the Bach-Maxwell equations
3. 1981 Sofia University
Exact solutions of Bach's equations
4. 1986 Szczecin Technical University
Singularity-free solitions of the Bach-Einstein equations and their properties
5. 2000 Myczkowce 6. Int. Conf. Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter (SSPCM'2000)
Ideal decompositions and computation of tensor normal forms (invited speaker)
6. 2001 Lyon 46. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Combinatorial treatment of a normal form problem of vector analysis
7. 2001 Santiago de Compostela Workshop on Osserman and related proplems
Use of tools of the representation theory of symmetric groups in investigations of algebraic curvature tensors (invited speaker)
8. 2001 Bertinoro 47. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire & 8. Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica
Construction of generators of algebraic curvature tensors by means of Young symmetrizers
9. 2002 Lisbon Workshop Multilinear Algebra and Matroid Theory
Ideal decompositions in group rings of Sn and tensor normal forms
10. 2003 Bedlewo Conference TU Berlin and Banach Center: PDEs, Submanifolds and Affine Differential Geometry
Generators of algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors and Young symmetrizers (Poster)
11. 2004 Prague 9. Conf. Differential Geometry and its Applications
Generators of algebraic curvature tensors based on a (2,1)-symmetry
12. 2005 Torun Professor B. G. Wybourne Commemorative Meeting
Tensor term combination and construction of short formulas for generators of algebraic curvature tensors
13. 2005 Myczkowce 8. Int. Conf. Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter (SSPCM'05)
Stationary space-times and generators of algebraic curvature tensors (invited speaker)
14. 2005 Bertinoro 55. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire & 12. Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica
Dimensions of smallest vector spaces containing higher covariant derivatives of the Riemann tensor
15. 2007 Myczkowce 9. Int. Conf. Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter (SSPCM'07)
Symmetry classes connected with the magnetic Heisenberg ring
16. 2007 Bertinoro 59. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire & 13. Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica
Symmetry classes in the model of the magnetic Heisenberg ring



1. 1975 Bad Stuer Tagung der Fachsektion Geometrie der Mathematischen Gesellschaft der DDR
(2,2)-zerlegbare Lösungen der homogenen Bachschen Gleichungen
2. 1977 Gaußig Tagung der Fachsektion Geometrie der Mathematischen Gesellschaft der DDR
(2,2)-zerlegbare Lösungen der homogenen Bachschen Gleichungen im Großen
3. 1979 Leipzig Seminar of NTZ Univ. Leipzig and Inst. of Theoretical Physics Univ. Wroclaw
(2,2)-decomposable solutions of the Bach field equations
4. 1980 or 1981? Zechliner Hütte Tagung des Instituts für Astrophysik der AdW
(2,2)-zerlegbare Lösungen der Bachschen Gleichungen mit elektromagnetischem Energie-Impuls-Tensor
5. 1981 Leipzig 1. Mathematiker-Kongreß der Mathematischen Gesellschaft der DDR
Exakte Lösungen der Bach-Einstein-Gleichungen (together with R. Schimming)
6. 1981 Garwitz Conf. Global Analysis and Differential Geometry, Humboldt-Univ. Berlin
Singularitätenfreie, statische, zentralsymmetrische Lösungen der Bach-Einstein-Gleichungen
7. 1992 Greifswald Group of Prof. R. Schimming, Univ. Greifswald
Eine Majorantenmethode für gewisse singuläre analytische Differentialgleichungen.
8. 1994 Leipzig Informatiktag Universität Leipzig
Computeralgebraische Untersuchung von Hadamardkoeffizienten (Poster)
9. 1996 Greifswald 2 lectures, Institutes of Mathematics and Physics, Univ. Greifswald
Anwendung von Idealzerlegungen zu Tensoruntersuchungen
10. 1997 Potsdam Conf. on Geometry, Univ. Potsdam
Ideal decompositions and symmetry properties of tensors
11. 1997 Thurnau 39. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
A Use of Ideal Decomposition in the Computer Algebra of Tensor Expressions
12. 1999 Schöntal 43. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
An algorithm for ideal decompositions in semisimple rings and its use in investigations of tensor symmetries
13. 1999 Leipzig 1. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag
Ein Algorithmus zur Idealzerlegung in halbeinfachen Ringen und seine Anwendung in symbolischen Tensorrechnungen
14. 1999 Gößweinstein Euroconference ALCOMA99
Characterization of tensor symmetries by group ring subspaces and computation of normal forms of tensor coordinates
15. 1999 Leipzig 2. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag
Charakterisierung von Tensorsymmetrien durch Unterräume von Gruppenringen und Berechnung von Normalformen von Tensorkoordinaten
16. 1999 Jena Group of Prof. Wünsch, Univ. Jena
Tensorsymmetrien und Darstellungstheorie symmetrischer Gruppen
17. 2000 Leipzig Math. Institute, HTWK Leipzig, short lecture
Visualisierung dynamischer Systeme mit Mathematica
18. 2000 Halle 3. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag
Untersuchung von Tensorsymmetrien mit dem Mathematica-Paket PERMS
19. 2000 Leipzig Math. Inst., Univ. Leipzig, short lecture
Das n-Damen-Problem
20. 2001 Leipzig Berufsakademie Sachsen, Staatl. Studienakad. Leipzig.
Das ISO/OSI-Referenzmodell in lokalen Rechnernetzen
21. 2001 Mittweida Hochschule Mittweida (FH)
Einige Beispiele aus der angewandten, computerorientierten Mathematik
22. 2001 Merseburg 4. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag
Kombinatorische Behandlung eines Normalformproblems der Vektoranalysis
23. 2002 Leipzig 5. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag
Über die Symmetrieklassen der ersten kovarianten Ableitungen von Tensorfeldern.
24. 2002 Berlin Workshop on PDEs and Submanifolds, TU Berlin
Representations of symmetric groups and computer algebraic tensor calculations
25. 2003 Magdeburg Colloquium on Combinatorics, Univ. Magdeburg
Investigation of algebraic curvature tensors by means of tools of Algebraic Combinatorics
26. 2004 Leipzig Math. Inst., Univ. Leipzig, 3 lectures
Symbolic tensor calculation, Algebraic Combinatorics and Distributed Computing
27. 2004 Jena Halle-Leipzig-Jena-Seminar Algebra, Univ. Jena
Algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors and Algebraic Combinatorics
28. 2004 Leipzig Math. Inst., Univ. Leipzig
On algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors
29. 2004 Merseburg 7. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag
Bestimmung linearer Abbildungen, die Gruppen von Permutationsmatrizen invariant lassen, mittels GAP
30. 2004 Ellwangen 53. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Linear maps preserving groups of permutation matrices
31. 2004 Magdeburg Colloquium on Combinatorics, Univ. Magdeburg
Computer algebraic determination of linear preservers of groups of permutation matrices
32. 2005 Brandenburg FB Technik, FH Brandenburg
Neuro-Fuzzy-Systeme und deren Anwendung in Informatik und Technik
33. 2005 Thurnau Conference ALCOMA05
Short formulas for generators of algebraic curvature tensors via algebraic combinatorics (Poster)


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B. Fiedler, 03.09.2022