1. | 1979 | Budapest | Colloquium on Differential Geometry, Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society (2,2)-decomposable solutions of the Bach field equations of general relativity |
2. | 1980 | Szczecin | Technical University (2,2)-decomposable solutions of the Bach-Maxwell equations |
3. | 1981 | Sofia | University Exact solutions of Bach's equations |
4. | 1986 | Szczecin | Technical University Singularity-free solitions of the Bach-Einstein equations and their properties |
5. | 2000 | Myczkowce | 6. Int. Conf. Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter (SSPCM'2000) Ideal decompositions and computation of tensor normal forms (invited speaker) |
6. | 2001 | Lyon | 46. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire Combinatorial treatment of a normal form problem of vector analysis |
7. | 2001 | Santiago de Compostela | Workshop on Osserman and related proplems Use of tools of the representation theory of symmetric groups in investigations of algebraic curvature tensors (invited speaker) |
8. | 2001 | Bertinoro | 47. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire & 8. Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica Construction of generators of algebraic curvature tensors by means of Young symmetrizers |
9. | 2002 | Lisbon | Workshop Multilinear Algebra and Matroid Theory Ideal decompositions in group rings of Sn and tensor normal forms |
10. | 2003 | Bedlewo | Conference TU Berlin and Banach Center: PDEs, Submanifolds and Affine Differential Geometry Generators of algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors and Young symmetrizers (Poster) |
11. | 2004 | Prague | 9. Conf. Differential Geometry and its Applications Generators of algebraic curvature tensors based on a (2,1)-symmetry |
12. | 2005 | Torun | Professor B. G. Wybourne Commemorative Meeting Tensor term combination and construction of short formulas for generators of algebraic curvature tensors |
13. | 2005 | Myczkowce | 8. Int. Conf. Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter (SSPCM'05) Stationary space-times and generators of algebraic curvature tensors (invited speaker) |
14. | 2005 | Bertinoro | 55. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire & 12. Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica Dimensions of smallest vector spaces containing higher covariant derivatives of the Riemann tensor |
15. | 2007 | Myczkowce | 9. Int. Conf. Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter (SSPCM'07) Symmetry classes connected with the magnetic Heisenberg ring |
16. | 2007 | Bertinoro | 59. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire & 13. Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria Algebrica Symmetry classes in the model of the magnetic Heisenberg ring |
1. | 1975 | Bad Stuer | Tagung der Fachsektion Geometrie der
Mathematischen Gesellschaft der DDR (2,2)-zerlegbare Lösungen der homogenen Bachschen Gleichungen |
2. | 1977 | Gaußig | Tagung der Fachsektion Geometrie der
Mathematischen Gesellschaft der DDR (2,2)-zerlegbare Lösungen der homogenen Bachschen Gleichungen im Großen |
3. | 1979 | Leipzig | Seminar of NTZ Univ. Leipzig and Inst. of Theoretical Physics Univ. Wroclaw (2,2)-decomposable solutions of the Bach field equations |
4. | 1980 or 1981? | Zechliner Hütte | Tagung des Instituts für Astrophysik der AdW (2,2)-zerlegbare Lösungen der Bachschen Gleichungen mit elektromagnetischem Energie-Impuls-Tensor |
5. | 1981 | Leipzig | 1. Mathematiker-Kongreß der Mathematischen
Gesellschaft der DDR Exakte Lösungen der Bach-Einstein-Gleichungen (together with R. Schimming) |
6. | 1981 | Garwitz | Conf. Global Analysis and
Differential Geometry, Humboldt-Univ. Berlin Singularitätenfreie, statische, zentralsymmetrische Lösungen der Bach-Einstein-Gleichungen |
7. | 1992 | Greifswald | Group of Prof. R. Schimming, Univ. Greifswald Eine Majorantenmethode für gewisse singuläre analytische Differentialgleichungen. |
8. | 1994 | Leipzig | Informatiktag Universität Leipzig Computeralgebraische Untersuchung von Hadamardkoeffizienten (Poster) |
9. | 1996 | Greifswald | 2 lectures, Institutes of Mathematics and Physics, Univ. Greifswald Anwendung von Idealzerlegungen zu Tensoruntersuchungen |
10. | 1997 | Potsdam | Conf. on Geometry, Univ. Potsdam Ideal decompositions and symmetry properties of tensors |
11. | 1997 | Thurnau | 39. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire A Use of Ideal Decomposition in the Computer Algebra of Tensor Expressions |
12. | 1999 | Schöntal | 43. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire An algorithm for ideal decompositions in semisimple rings and its use in investigations of tensor symmetries |
13. | 1999 | Leipzig | 1. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag Ein Algorithmus zur Idealzerlegung in halbeinfachen Ringen und seine Anwendung in symbolischen Tensorrechnungen |
14. | 1999 | Gößweinstein | Euroconference ALCOMA99 Characterization of tensor symmetries by group ring subspaces and computation of normal forms of tensor coordinates |
15. | 1999 | Leipzig | 2. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag Charakterisierung von Tensorsymmetrien durch Unterräume von Gruppenringen und Berechnung von Normalformen von Tensorkoordinaten |
16. | 1999 | Jena | Group of Prof. Wünsch, Univ. Jena Tensorsymmetrien und Darstellungstheorie symmetrischer Gruppen |
17. | 2000 | Leipzig | Math. Institute, HTWK Leipzig, short lecture Visualisierung dynamischer Systeme mit Mathematica |
18. | 2000 | Halle | 3. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag Untersuchung von Tensorsymmetrien mit dem Mathematica-Paket PERMS |
19. | 2000 | Leipzig | Math. Inst., Univ. Leipzig, short lecture Das n-Damen-Problem |
20. | 2001 | Leipzig | Berufsakademie Sachsen, Staatl. Studienakad. Leipzig. Das ISO/OSI-Referenzmodell in lokalen Rechnernetzen |
21. | 2001 | Mittweida | Hochschule Mittweida (FH) Einige Beispiele aus der angewandten, computerorientierten Mathematik |
22. | 2001 | Merseburg | 4. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag Kombinatorische Behandlung eines Normalformproblems der Vektoranalysis |
23. | 2002 | Leipzig | 5. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag Über die Symmetrieklassen der ersten kovarianten Ableitungen von Tensorfeldern. |
24. | 2002 | Berlin | Workshop on PDEs and Submanifolds, TU Berlin Representations of symmetric groups and computer algebraic tensor calculations |
25. | 2003 | Magdeburg | Colloquium on Combinatorics, Univ. Magdeburg Investigation of algebraic curvature tensors by means of tools of Algebraic Combinatorics |
26. | 2004 | Leipzig | Math. Inst., Univ. Leipzig, 3 lectures Symbolic tensor calculation, Algebraic Combinatorics and Distributed Computing |
27. | 2004 | Jena | Halle-Leipzig-Jena-Seminar Algebra, Univ. Jena Algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors and Algebraic Combinatorics |
28. | 2004 | Leipzig | Math. Inst., Univ. Leipzig On algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors |
29. | 2004 | Merseburg | 7. Mitteldeutscher Computeralgebratag Bestimmung linearer Abbildungen, die Gruppen von Permutationsmatrizen invariant lassen, mittels GAP |
30. | 2004 | Ellwangen | 53. Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire Linear maps preserving groups of permutation matrices |
31. | 2004 | Magdeburg | Colloquium on Combinatorics, Univ. Magdeburg Computer algebraic determination of linear preservers of groups of permutation matrices |
32. | 2005 | Brandenburg | FB Technik, FH Brandenburg Neuro-Fuzzy-Systeme und deren Anwendung in Informatik und Technik |
33. | 2005 | Thurnau | Conference ALCOMA05 Short formulas for generators of algebraic curvature tensors via algebraic combinatorics (Poster) |
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B. Fiedler, 03.09.2022 |